We are a dynamic organization of diverse individuals committed to the support, leadership and advancement of our members.
Your donation to the AAWP Scholarship Endowment Fund will help provide the financial support a deserving podiatric medicine student needs to help complete their degree. Your contribution directly impacts and supports the AAWP Scholarship Endowment Fund.
Membership in the AAWP definitely has its privileges! You’ll find valuable information, resources, support and professional camaraderie. If you are already a member and you would like to renew, click here. If you are not yet a member, join today!
AAWP 2023 Scientific Conference October 19th – 22nd | 2023 Lorie
AAWP is pleased to announce their 2022-2023 scholarship recipients! Ea
AAWP is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 Scholarship Awardees. These